Beef Life Cycle

BREEDING: Angus bull

BREEDING: Angus bull
Photographer Jim Koch. Courtesy U.S. Department of Agriculture, K10380-1
CALVING: Hereford cow and newborn calf

CALVING: Hereford cow and newborn calf
Photographer Scott Bauer. Courtesy U.S. Department of Agriculture, K9486-1
BRANDING: Cowboys roping and branding a calf

BRANDING: Cowboys roping and branding a calf
From the 2008 NET Television program, "Beef State"
OUT TO PASTURE: Cowboys moving cattle down dirt road

OUT TO PASTURE: Cowboys moving cattle down dirt road
From the 2008 NET Television program, "Beef State"
WEANING: Hereford cow and calves

WEANING: Hereford cow and calves
Courtesy Nebraska State Historical Society, RG1668-S159-05
MARKET: Bassett, NE livestock auctioneers

MARKET: Bassett, NE livestock auctioneers
From the 2008 NET Television program, "Beef State"
FEED LOTS: Large feed lot

FEED LOTS: Large feed lot
Photographer John Nienaber. Courtesy U.S. Department of Agriculture, K8236-1
SLAUGHTER: Sides of beef hanging by Workers and inspector in a slaughter house

SLAUGHTER: Sides of beef hanging by Workers and inspector in a slaughter house
Courtesy Nebraska State Historical Society, RG1668-T13-4-20
GROCERY STORE: Picnic with grilled hamburgers

GROCERY STORE: Picnic with grilled hamburgers
Photographer Stephen Ausmus. Courtesy U.S. Department of Agriculture, k9988-1

Beef Life Cycle

Producing beef takes longer than you might think. The production cycle, from the time a cattle breeder chooses his or her breeding stock to the delivery of beef to the consumer, spans nearly two years. Breeders, ranchers, feeders, processors, and distributors work within this cycle to keep grocery stores and restaurants well supplied to meet the needs of their customers.

Cowboy and longhorn herd in the Sandhills, Nebraska

Cowboy and longhorn herd in the Sandhills, Nebraska
From the 2008 NET Television program, Beef State